Parallels of Manifestation Process [December 2016 Archive]
MANIFESTATION OF ACTION THROUGH SYNCHRONISTIC BINARY OUTCOME PROCESS: Spiritual/inner world -vs- physical/outer world {binary. 0 or 1. all or nothing. action potential.} LEADS TO: spiritual conspiracy (collection of synchronicities); larger scale state change of the system at hand. Some individual parts of the equation : sodium, agency (your power in the world as well as the power of synchronized groups/organizations) CONNECTION BETWEEN PROCESS AT NEURAL LEVEL->PROCESS IN INDIVIDUAL LEVEL->PROCESS IN GROUPS OF PEOPLE (COLORS INDICATE PARALLELS FROM MICRO TO MACRO SCALE LEVEL) PROCESS AT NEURAL LEVEL: let sodium in -> changes gradient -> rise in membrane potential -> more channels open -> greater electrical current **This process leads to depolarization and an it either fires or doesn’t; if so, action potential is reached , which is then sent to the next neuron (next step) as an electrical current where the process repeats, and the brain is cl...