Psychedelics: The Responsibility of Knowing Your Personal Boundaries

I recently saw a post which compared psychedelic journeys to BDSM, and referenced the tripper as a metaphor for the journey of the submissive-- taking the advice of the psychedelic (or the shaman). One thing about me is that I'm no stranger to this type of experience - even if I don't "dabble" much these days. ^[Note: if you think I am referencing your work above, please let me know so that I can check and then tag you or leave a link!] I'm often thinking about several directions that the 'psychedelic movement' seems to be headed as it gains traction and popularity. Here is a message I've been wanting to share. When a shaman helps one to undergo a transformative psychological experience, they must act as the medium - someone who incites and catalyzes things to happen. These emotional states which are provoked tend to result in mental soliloquies which therapeutically leave the individual positively and effectively changed. Sometimes the shaman them sel...