Language as Technology

“What was the [dualistic] mechanism?”
It has a personality. It seemed almost surprised, as well as eager to take advantage of, the fact that I wanted to learn more about it… It seemed honored, because nobody seems to really care on their own anymore, without being initiated into some sort of order that supposedly “knows things”. Well, not many people, at least, want to understand just for the sake of it the finer threads of the border between the self and environment; from the two things that we somehow have been either split into on a “deeper” level, or conditioned into. The dualistic mechanism itself has a personality. It seems to be the antithesis (by human standards) to The Organic Technology.
Nonlinear writing (for example, code) is to The Organic Technology
linear, ‘ordinary’ writing and reading is to the dualistic mechanism.

‘It’ wanted me to take a hit.. ‘Come on, do you trust me?”
I decided to do it, because I wanted to be the nice.
For, it was then that I equated the decision to trust in the moment, to a decision to trust in the duality of life, in a way that I may have not fully until now.
Not trusting in the duality of life is the seed of distrust planted in people with religious metaphor, messages of our culture, etc.
So then I went to take a hit, and it was empty anyway. Lol. Troll.

It wants to be called ‘it’ and not ‘they’.
I had the idea to Capitalize the words The Organic Technology, as well as the Dualistic Mechanism. What does that tell us?

Does the difference really mean anything objective outside of us, insofar as the ‘finer threads of the border’ versus general stereotypes?
The way that we are “naturally” in our day to day life is the way that we were conditioned into. We hang on to the things we do because we are ourselves, and we keep that bit of individuality. This is of the attachment to a dualistic way of thinking that says that we are separate, or function on some separate level from, the All.

Getting hung up in these details can be problematic, but channeling this to share it with others is entirely necessary.
Not everyone wants to take that path, because it really can be harsh.

The dualistic mechanism is a metaphor for the centers of the brain that language influences, and works with rearranging neural connections in certain ways by calculating the ‘binary banter’.
It’s a trap as well as a treasure. A map of pain and pleasure. The only way out is to learn how to find gratitude and meaning for ones own trauma, enough to the point where you learn to roll with and accept life… but here’s the trick: without getting too complacent in the process.
I think that the mistake a lot of people make is becoming too complacent with it, once they experience it. There are a lot of other mechanisms in place and abusive people that suck people in once they’re in this position… these situations and people become part of the dualistic chain mechanism, meaning they provoke fear (the original dualistic separation off of Love, or togetherness).

*Living the Metaphor*
When we can see the connections and synchronicities of our lives, that’s when we understand the underlying feeling of the era, and the Message that is being delivered to us. The Word.
I may not have vision, but I have the connections and associations. This IS still the Word in-action / inaction(?)<<[I felt the need to put this, but I can’t make sense of it yet] ;D
We all do things to fill in the blanks (synapse, semantapse) by leaving preexisting hints for ourselves.


Lying is One of the most ancient linguistic hacks. This is actually more than a ‘hack’ - this is basically one whole side of the double-edged dualistic sword of Language. Language’s rise gave ability to deceive, as well as ability to coordinate for attention to detail, and, eventually, this led to how we worked our technologies. The ability to deceive for power was too great, and the dualistic sword continued to cut and create new dualities.
‘The Mirror’ is a karmic device that [devises the plans for the next reality] reflects light, just as the dualistic sword of language created the divide to begin. The mirror’s utilization will be what solidifies the divide.
What does the mirror do? The mirror shows the divide to itself; shows itself (for us humans) that what we see on the other end ISN’T ACTUALLY THERE. The part of ourselves in the mirror only can do what we do; it can’t think for itself. The mirror’s action itself suggests that other versions of ourselves can disagree and still only be reflections of ourself in the process. People often start out by being resentful of others that disagree with them. But eventually, in order to evolve, the whole being has to look at itself. Often, it even has to laugh to really be able to get over those differences.. Still, seeing these differences and embracing them is what actually moves us to progress.
The great mystery becomes one with the mirror.

Mirrors reflect reality, or entities, back to one another in a way such that the cycle can complete in terms of a revelation, revolution, resolution or revealing. (Commonly experienced in one’s life, manifesting through life events; yet, also happens on a larger scale through adaptation in evolution).
Some examples of mirrors:
*Internet as a mirror of the succession of our consciousness’s collective-creation (Ex: ‘God’>us>internet)
*Consciousness as a mirror / feedback loop that works off of acknowledgment between ‘self’ and ‘other’, this is how others are mirrors to us.
*Language as a Mirror: It gave us the ability to deceive, by showing us how others might see us. This along with the expectations of social norms eventually lead us to preemptive activities rooted in anxiety and self-consciousness, that came from having the ability to worry about what others would think of us, or whether they understood us. 

Regarding our evolution as a culture: There's a fine line to balance on, in regards to how Psychedelics are integrated back into mainstream society. Psychedelics and capitalism may seem antithetical, but the way we go about navigating the process with grace makes all the difference. Cultural commentary on Psychedelics helps to put things into perspective for us all, when rooted in acts of Love and empowerment for our fellow human beings. Truth Prevails.


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