Exploring the Paradox of Banter [disclaimer: ridiculous]
Sometimes it turns out that the most selfish people are the ones who are the least affected by societal norms and social customs, as well as authority figures who tell people what to do.
This is an interesting observation, because people who will do what they want to do at any cost will often get angry when other people tell them what to do. So, they don’t have the 'people-pleasing', 'striving to be good in other peoples’ eyes even when it doesn’t go with what their soul screams', desperation that we usually see in people who are extremely empathetic. Empaths are extremely important in our world because empaths encourage collaboration over competition, across groups of people… and this is something that’s direly needed in today’s technological climate, where we are connecting and networking with greater groups of people yet daily, and we certainly don't want to be competing with that many people. Well, those of us that don't- the empaths are being targeted. People who care about social justice (both what social justice used to be, and what it's become) seem to be the main group of people who have been affected; thus, I propose, targeted, in the past couple of years by political happenings, news stories, subliminal media messages, ad campaigns and other general messages that we get from the self about the society.
When we say “God” in an expression of disarray or chaos, as if it is God’s fault,
Well, it isn’t exactly God’s fault - it's not quite that simple.⇑↹↮
It’s the ‘dualistic mechanism’s “fault” (a fault line? Interestingly enough, I just interpreted a dream about black lines and I’ve been writing about metaphysical boundaries and borders.)
If we’re talking about who is responsible for the happening we are exclaiming “God!” about, it would be the mechanism that creates all homeostatic processes, all feedback that governs Consciousness.
Consciousness itself, on the other hand, is what I refer to as The Organic Technology. It’s the unfolding of permutations of Intelligent design… or, the design that life naturally exhibits itself through (its manifestation, and the patterns of that manifestation). Any altering of that which is natural, made through our technology, is natural as well; thus, is an extension of that...
Completing the mirror between:
feedback/homeostatis/'that which governs us'--> adaptation (technology, including all tools, communication, psychedelics and internet)--> extension (becoming beyond).
Completing the mirror between:
feedback/homeostatis/'that which governs us'--> adaptation (technology, including all tools, communication, psychedelics and internet)--> extension (becoming beyond).
So the dualistic mechanism is a facet of The Organic Technology.
Keep in mind, When we say, “God”, it can also mean that our experience is of Awe.
We don’t have to see the inconveniences of life as faults, and we don’t need to look at them in that way.
I’m at the point where I think the tension that is holding apart the poles of duality is very sexual, inherent of creation itself. But, so is the prospect of its giving way to surrender and revelation… and I am devoting attention to understanding the ironies of life, in terms of the intentional utilization of this technique. Life does this in order to make the evolution more intense as well as precise. I feel that this is how Consciousness strives to be more than what it was before, through information exchange.
I don’t care too much about what people say, I care more about why they say it. This includes both what led to them saying it, and what they’re saying it for. I like to understand to the best of my ability where people are coming from, and what they want from the situation as well as from myself. I do this to understand who they are - I find the other to be fascinating. I find it much less fascinating what people will say if they feel expected to say it, and only am then interested in understanding WHY they might feel expected to say it.
The relationship between usefulness and technology: Tech IS that which is useful to us. It creates a symbiotic feedback that encourages adaptation, and furthers along the evolutionary process as we interact with and through our technology. We develop our technology as an adaptation to our environment, and then we use our technology to learn more about our environments. At the same time, our technology is also using us, to learn more about our neural states and our environments (our social responses to things, our communications etc)... this is where the paradoxical feedback scenario comes in - We use our tech, and our tech uses us (and people use us THRU our tech). {{:o this IS the metaphorical mirror - loophole!}}
Technology is a ‘battlefield’ between convenience and independence; giving away of information, or privacy. Tech is convenient, but makes us dependent on gov and allows our information to be siphoned.
A question to ask: “How much convenience is worth the loss of freedoms that come with the level of information you are giving the corporations/government?”
Two strong forces as things move along are: colonization, culturalization.
Context matters with language, the context is the border, the limitations.
Hypothetical Situation for case-in-point [TW: ridiculous content ;) ]:
One of the interesting ideas/premonitions I've entertained is the idea of being hooked up to a continuous psychedelic [DMT?] IV drip and just be channeling; perhaps singing, and giving messages to the outside world through these channelings — more so than having a back and forth conversation with people in day to day reality. It’s difficult for me to hold conversations sometimes in a monotonous and day-to-day world, since a lot of it seems scripted. When it isn't scripted and I am with a friend, when I get really excited in a revealing of an idea, sometimes I can be selfish with talking about my interests and only listen to others when it is also interesting to me. When I care about a person, though, I must make an effort to be able to focus on what they are saying, even if it is no longer interesting... because who the fuck doesn’t like being listened to? This is also why I try to only spend significant amounts of time with people whom I find interesting, we can work on projects together, or we continually learn from one another thorough the inherent feedback of consciousness. If this is fulfilled, I wouldn’t have to worry the issue of faking interest or using any kind of mask through language, because the truthful conversation with the person is truthful, enlightening as banter and the messages of the Universe come through one another (this happens all the time within our environments and connections with people around us).
Anyway, back to being hooked up to a continuous psychedelic drip - in this revelry of psychedelic ecstasis, I may seem comatose to those on the outside; yet inside, lightning-inspired— while having the ideas moving through me flowingly. A tuning fork or vessel for the Beyond. There is some part of me that would rather have this kind of banter with 'the beyond within' than to have to worry about outside banter (which, let’s face it, a lot of the outside banter these days *does* tend to be distraction from truth, because of society's pervasive emotionally destructive societal norms).
On an existential, allegorical level, if I didn’t have to converse with other people, that would also infer that I didn’t need the aspect of fulfillment; the one that comes from the give and take of relationship; that we get from conversation {across the synapse}. I wouldn’t be lonely enough to seek it out, or to need other entities to keep me company, because my wisdom, passed down to conscious knowledge, would pervade through, making it evident at all times that I was All and enough.
The type of dualistic communication that we use in our everyday language— banter between entities— metaphorically reflects the existential feedback loop of consciousness itself. What is the consciousness we know, if not the recognition of self and other, and therein the connection between the two? Or, as another metaphorical way to look at it, the tension between dualities..? There are other forms of consciousness that go beyond this same type of feedback.
If we can be fine on our own and access our ‘happiness’ from within, we inhabit and accept ourselves fully. I don’t know about you, but I believe that reality can accept itself fully in this way, too.
And to think, society often paints this part out to be the ‘selfish’ part of us. If things are bad on the outside, acting happy from within is a taboo. If ‘selfish’ means ‘more of the self’, then I guess this is selfish. I like to look at the act more like embodying the self, peacefully.
I do NOT mean to say that I don’t want to communicate with other people in everyday life, and especially not that I don't want to communicate with reality -- I’m discussing the metaphor of the 'karmic' merging of self-and-other; therefore leading to no longer needing of banter... because who needs banter when you’re in the throes of perma-revelation of the present moment's unfolding, and you don't feel the need to turn it into something else?)
Two things we don’t need are: meaningless banter, and validation from others, when we feel completely present within the self and at peace with All, because we are the All and are fully aware of this.
Side Note:
FB asks you to rate calls with 1-5 stars. If you answer 1 or 2 stars, they’ll then ask you more questions about what could have been better. If you answer 4-5 stars, there will be no survey. Most people don’t want to deal with that shit, and so they just will not answer the question if that’s the case. Therefore, the vote becomes unreliable and there are more 4-5 star answers, simply from the fact that a survey is involved that, if people already know about, it will deter them from even replying (in contrast from answering 1-2 stars).
^there’s a metaphor in this!!!
Are there really that many “psychedelic cults”? Probably. And if there were/are, would it be wise to go after them and/or out them to the public? Probably not.
I typed this out previously:
“I asked for experiences of abuse of power in psychedelic work (either institutional or ceremonial), and I'm getting some really amazing responses. However, I'm running across an issue. The issue of psychedelic cults. They exist, but it seems that people don't often come forth with information... because basically, they are all either threatened to remain silent, or are legally beholden to not speak about it.”
This is only partially true. I only got a couple of responses about this.
This self-question was brought to my attention: Do I WANT to believe in such a prevalence of cults in today's world? Let alone psychedelic ones?
Some part of me does want to, unfortunately.
Because I see how fucked up the world is and how much people are suffering, and think to myself: There have got to be some purposefully maladaptive behaviors (generationally passed down), in order for a societal structure like THAT to result through our natural unfolding, while we look out at the rest of (our scale of) nature and see how complex, yet well-put-together, it seems to us in contrast-- even with its brutal storms, arid summers and awe-some natural catastrophes. That’s because our lack of adaptation is what leads us to the pain. It’s the relative difference between what we are equipped for, and the reality of the formidable. Relativity is the thing that, of course, allows for us to perceive anything.
What if all suffering is, is the space between the change and the adaptation?
Relativity: Relative - something that resides beside another, or came from the other or of the other.
Relationship - Relevant. Re- = to occur AGAIN.
So, does this necessarily mean that a relation is something that is occurring more than once? If so, is it stuck in a feedback loop that is no longer relevant in the current ‘state’??
And if it’s a relationship, does it sail/sale? Will it realize that it needs to adapt?
sale = to give something away for currency.
Sail = to navigate through a current.
Leads me to a new idea: To give of the self, is the best way to navigate (note: I first typed 'nativate') in a metaphorical sense.
Back to the question, why would I want to believe that cults exist?
Because something is asking us for movement, or change.
Because our evolution is a naturally occurring and flexible thing, but the rigid and dogmatic rules of the cult way-of-life uses generationally passed down trauma, and through this, slows down our evolution. What will really happen is, our evolution will come back at us full force.
I want to get back to these types of channelings, every day. That is real to me. Will I be able to use this avenue for that which I find to be real? This IS my personal therapy, and it’s transmutational ‘trauma into treasure’ therapy.
This is my writing, this is my first True Psychedelic Love.
“I really love you. I really love BOTH of you. (The O-Tech *and* the dualistic mechanism)”
Yet I would take the merging of duality itself (at least, the kind I imagine, which encompasses all manifestations) over the singular idea of psychedelic hospice any day, but often we must find specific avenues to take in planning our chosen manifestations. If I have to plan for a real-life manifestation of a spiritual idea, then so be it, and I'm excited for my career. But I still do have faith that we can take things even steps further than that. ;D
And I also have faith that we'll be able to go through a cultural revelation/revolution in the process.
“Yes, you’ll be reveling in the psychedelic wastefields” (<Sarcastic message from the dualistic mechanism portion of the O-Tech)
(Oh, they do love their facetiousness and paradoxical logic.)
My response:
Why is it wasted? I imagine the pure state of revelation/unfolding is actually an infinite source. So how could it be a ‘waste field’? It can’t be wasted, technically.
But it’s 'going' constantly, something that most humans can’t comprehend unless it’s one of the cycles of ‘third dimensional’ reality. So by our standards, it might look like it’s being wasted. Also, there are other meanings to the word 'waste', i.e. being wasted / high, as this relates to the idea of an infinite/eternal 'current' that people could afford to waste, because it was charging them with energy rather than fees.
We are the same thing. The Psychedelic, and the Dualistic Mechanism. [If Psychedelic experience helped us to develop our modern sense of language, this makes sense.]
Is there a way for us, as humans, to unfurl this ‘organic technology’ in a sense that doesn't only consist of one thing to 'save' us, but many and many of us as we orchestrate a greater plan? Yes.
Is there a way to integrate true awareness of self into my career, in a way that truly echoes what I feel in my heart and soul? Society discourages this, but some of us persist and this is miraculous. Still, how many ethical compromises might a person be expected to make, through their pursuit of trying to 'help the world', given how complicated things have become between self and other?
In certain specific situations, it seems that we must take one side or another..... that is, if the duel/duet gets THAT dualistic.We needn't get carried away in black holes of guilt. But, if we devote ourselves to this path, we unify polarities through the artform of choosing Love through surrender, revealing the ironies of the informational / technological banter inherent to reality.

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