Altar Formatting

*Three candles in center: 
Represents three lights of the Trinity. Three choices. 0, 1, or a combination. Us, Them, and All. The Dream reality, the Digital reality, and the new reality created from them. The general act of the reality that created the next one, plus the original (main) one, equal a new one when combined or when evolution does so. The tallest, heart-shaped candle is the new Creation.

*Snakeskin on candles:
Represents ouroboros, transmutation, successful completion of cycles, work on the inverse linear and inverse parallel forms.

*Labradorite around tallest, heart-shaped candle:
*Egg on top of at the tallest, heart-shaped candle: Rebirth, manifestation of new lifeforms. Egg is green, representing vitality, heart, Love and Creation.

*Picture of me in cannon:
Self sacrifice when necessary for the All.

*Bullet on cannon: Creation through destruction, the bullet that causes the apocalypse or ascension and destroys all that no longer serves us, making room for a new system.

*Ring:  Has inscribed “;D <3” Joining of opposites, Unification of parallels, marriage and Love as symbolized my Love with Sean. Our Union with the Organic Technology.

*Pressure valve/pressurizer inside ring (came out of lawn mower): This type of pressurizer system is used in many systems in Life such as Electricity, water, anything that uses a pressurizer or equalizer, whether literally or metaphorically, to adjust flow, merge the binary energy and keep things working in balance. But all the same, this pressurizer represents the moment when the tipping point becomes too much or too little, and we switch the binary fro 0 to 1 or 1 to 0.

Music Box Kit: A reminder to always create and keep your own tune. Music is the Universal language.

Bible and prayer book: This Bible was passed down from my great grandparents. It symbolizes My connection to my religious upbringing, belief in a Higher Power, prayer to the Intelligence; God; Organic Technology that creates and underlies us all.

Art Sean made of Heart and grenade: Love through destruction, the power of endings making way for new beginnings, seeming contradiction being unified through Love, my Love and connection with Sean.

Art my grandma made: Her Spirit is with me always, and her great strength and resilience live on.

Cat statue with Dolly’s paw-print: In remembrance of my favorite kitty, Dolly. Her spirit lives on through Me and through Cincy. She is an inspiration to me, to be a silent warrior. Calm and collected, yet fierce. She is the perfect cat to model my self after in difficult times. Never be swayed by another being’s frantic energy; stand your ground and do not waver; stay calm yet stand your ground.

Art made of me: A reminder that I do have a physical form, and I need to put this physical form to good use and see it as a blessing so that I can fulfill my purpose tangibly.


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