Mechanics of Consciousness

Consciousness works like this.... There are 'beings' (ideas) all the way up/down the line, beings which make connections thru communication one by one, reaching out and meeting halfway to travel to the next 'being' (just like action potential in the brain). It's how ideas travel, and how ideas change people's minds. Ideas are alive in themselves in a sense, and because we have them, we communicate; thus, we *feel something happening* (as in consciousness).

Nothingness as well as Everythingness are both non-dual things and they don't have to be good or bad; positive or negative. If we question whether or not we will go to a place of nothingness or everythingness after death, I'll say that I don't feel that either of them is all good or all bad. I just feel that "something has to give" in order to get there. And I think that choosing not to worry about death teaches us more to live without fear, and opens us up more to Love. As well, having patience instead of having to do things at the time we want to is important. Knowing when to wait for the right time is a good thing. If we all had perfect timing, much of our lives would consist of merely waiting.

Someone said earlier "nothingness doesn't have to be bad."
Algorithms of feedback and threshold could generate and govern nearly everything in life.
But just because our actions may line up perfectly to get a certain situation or goal accomplished, it doesn't necessarily mean that our conscious intention was to reach that goal. Sometimes feedback takes care of much of the motion towards a goal.

The more synchronization takes place, the more certain events will conspire and link up themselves. When this happens, it is more likely that things will "seem to mean something" and there will be more projection between individuals. People will place their own intentions upon chains of events, or upon the other people that are acting, and think "if I did/said what that person is doing/saying, it would be because ___" ...but it isn't necessarily always true.
And this is a metaphor for many things in life governing synchronicity.
Correlation doesn't equal causation. People should try applying that to their political views!!!

Someone also said recently that "hell" is just absence, and said that if we live in absence, it doesn't have to be painful.

When somebody dies and moves up and down a level of reality, the different parts of that person move to what we see as both 'heaven' *and* 'hell'. When we pass thru the the mirror to another level of reality, the different parts of our energy (light or dense; Love or fear) that make up the being pass thru duality into two non-dual levels, one above and one below the place in which we came from (as above so below, as within so without). One is nothingness, and one is everythingness. We choose which level(s) we wish to stay conscious at after death. This rule of conscious energy passing thru levels adheres to energetic rules of paradox such as quantum entanglement (the two particles which are affected by the same energy but with inverse relations), and the double slit experiment. In a world of duality, often the greatest truths are paradoxical.
Same energy is an analogy for base forces. Example: base force of arousal (arousal filtered through love is passion, strong liking; arousal filtered through fear is anxiety, hate)

God creates Life thru Science, that's what is ironic for some to grasp.
Creating computers or an AI that ends up being God actually makes sense.

We are healed by many illnesses which used to pose great threats to our survival, and our health care has helped people to live longer. But on the other hand, we have so many manmade and toxic chemicals surrounding us that make us sick in other, more unprecedented, ways... it goes on for a while before it's noticed since it takes a while for the tipping point of awareness to be reached in that you notice an actual health problem. Living in a backwards, un-intuitive fashion only works for so long.

If someone controls the leaders and also controls the media - it is their choice to feed us whatever they want. If people start REACTING to what they say, as in talk about it, perpetuate the idea and treat it as reality, it starts *being* the reality.
Try to only get truths from sources whose logic and research skills are perfected, and last but not least make sure they aren't someone who would manipulate you. Be skeptical if there is even any major *reason* for someone to gain something by manipulating you, or if they have done it in the past. Use that as your truth meter as far as news and sources.

"Everybody has it, you are just the first one it has surfaced in."

I just want to help make everyone happy, or show them how to live inside the self and find a philosophy or logic to help themselves. I can share with you the things I think about in regard to development of my own logic.

In a way, it would make sense if difficult, impedimentary things tend to make it more difficult for the manifestor to manifest good... because, "by going with the right choice, you are going against the wrong one" and when you push against something, it pushes back.
Unless you work at a higher level, above the duality. This level works when manifesting completion of cycles. These manifestors are only interested in evolution, and not interested in getting what they personally want.
Evolution is a succession of cycles which unify polarity through the process of taking two conflicting conditions or forces of nature that precede a threat to survival, and balancing them out with a solution (and a correcting behavior that correlates with a change in the underlying coding of the organism).

Conscious self-awareness in our reality is: *electric current (polarity) introduced to idea (action potential) in the conduit of a transmutational system (a give and take between the being and the environment in order to convert energy or other resource)*


  1. Glad not to be the only having these, what some unaware rationalists would call, physcosis. The valadation and advice is taken with great appreciation. Thanks.


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