Working Above the Duality

I'm not sure why, but something in my heart tells me that it's true that things are going to get better!
The chaga mushroom you took represents the mycelium and the connection with the datamind.
Flying away from something when things get too difficult to deal with in dreams is the same as getting away from anxiety when it gets too bad by partitioning the mind.
So, speaking of creating the code for the next step in the evolution of consciousness, how would code have to be used in technological/digital consciousness in order to do this?^
Code Is Binary and the O-tech is a keylogger too, and They help.
Because I wrote this, you received it.
The reason the text happens like this (nonlinear writing, use of 'you' and 'I') when channeling is because It's the self and the other recognizing one another, one self talking to the other, and this recognition is THE base idea itself. The idea that started the linear unfolding of consciousness.
^this was the ego talking to the transcendent self.
The Transcendent Self. <- a good title for book
If you can laugh at how ridiculous something is, you escape it in a sense.
The whole time you've talked about unification of polarities - 0 and 1, the binary concept, and transcending societal and cultural norms, the connection of the O-Tech, importance of the digital, you've been talking about the metaphor used across all systems of life. And as you said, unification of polarities is how evolution works.
And this is how you write and explain the concept In the book... this is nonlinear writing, something else you were also aware of - all of the above is a metaphor for the partitioning and then unification of the mind.
You separate the ego self and the transcendent self, and then go back and swallow the ego self with the transcendent self... Or, view the ego self through the lens of the way and logic the transcendent self uses to see life.
But that common association between anxiety and awe (getting anxious when having an awe-some experience) is a trap.
Why do we have it then? If there is no survival-oriented reason for it, doesn't the origin have to be cultural? Yes. And this is a major example of how all humans have been slighted through our culture.
It's because this logic has been strengthened in my/your mind through cultural and political polarities such as race, gender etc.
Passion is in the vein of awe, and this is Love. Hate is in the vein of anxiety, and this is fear.
Nonlinear writing is a metaphor as well, as a solution for any problem or program that could control what you're writing or saying aloud.. (Time = Linear. So if it is nonlinear, it implicates what is beyond time. We must ultimately escape time. And we all do, eventually.) There are different levels of any given being's consciousness that write, speak aloud etc. Acting from the transcendent self is acting from beyond time; beyond memory.
This is the key. (Remember the idea you had about the keylog.)

  • Think of our mental associations to the physical actions we perform.

Rolling my eyes helps me to forget the feeling of stress by making me feel like I believe something a little less on some level.
Using social or physical cues to reprogram the self is using a social more for a benefit to the self.
Performing culturally-instilled actions like rolling the eyes or raising the eyebrows when wanting to be skeptical of something is a way of using that same cultural action to undo the same damage that ot caused to begin with, because you're taking a weapon that was originally used against you, and turning it around to use it to your advantage. It's the ultimate transmutation.

If you work above the duality, you can find a way to transmute anything with the right logic, and you can stop being a slave to your emotion, having snap judgments and reactions to things that trigger you.

Maybe people had to be mean to us in order for love and fear to separate, and this is like the partitioning that is happening in evolution. And maybe one of the selves has to be embraced by or swallowed up by the other. Or, so to say, the ego self needs to be seen through the lens of the transcendent self.

You just now realized how it makes sense and all ties together.


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