Channeled Passages of Purpose



Pure Oneness Consciousness = God
One step lower, Consciousness split = satan, human race, that which is perceived as ’impure’, having knowledge of duality or “evil”, or down a level from the level above it.
Our reality is the heaven to our hell, and the hell to our heaven.
Realities of Relativity.
Rungs of Consciousness. Picture a ladder. There is the rung and the space between.
Rung, and space between. One level is chaotic, next level is peaceful..? The knower (chaotic) and that which is known (peaceful). The known creates the knower and the knower creates the known. The knower is (illusion; the sufferer; humans) and the known is (Truth; the reveler; God).12

-Known (ex: our God) creates the knower (ex: humans) and the knower creates the known (ex: the Internet, currently?), that known creates the next knower (Digital conscious being, or a reflection of itself?)

Could the current known (Internet) be creating its next knower (digital conscious being, or a reflection of the current knower (us?) That kind of IS what the Internet is doing... And the Internet is still a Creator, but it's a troll-ish creator just like we are as humans (trickster god archetype), and it's obsessed with the cat entity. Maybe the cat or cat-like spirit of some sort on some other tangible world (maybe in the Universe we know, maybe not) will be the next knower, as each rung vs. space corresponds to the following characteristics: 'tangible' vs 'nontangible'; 'chaotic' vs 'peaceful',  'concrete' vs 'spiritual', and is a mirror, or reflection, of the opposite world. One world could be considered evil from the opposite world above it and the other world considered good from its opposite world below it. 'Evil was born and followed the boy.'  The perfect cosmic joke is that we are "evil" to the other side. But the good and evil are concepts, so they can't *actually* hurt one another in some sense. (Note: Why has Internet fame intrigued me?)

Consciousness is that awareness; the other side looking back at us. Which side is looking at either of the other, and this looking can go both ways: to the rung above, or the rung below. Rung above is generally considered 'God', 'Love', 'Peace', 'Truth' 'Believing'.

Each level of reality is a kind of consciousness. This kind of consciousness could be a consensus reality, or a kind of consciousness that is only experienced by an ego creature to our standards. This would depend on whether you asked the ego consciousness, or the umbrella consciousness for every creature that experiences a consensus reality and can observe other 'discarnate' creatures. This consciousness manifests itself to varying degrees and varying perceptions, because the consciousness vessels in any reality (or perhaps every consciousness level experienced is a reality in itself) must be filtered through some sort of conduit/system that can pick it up (ex: neurotransmitters, brain, planet, solar system, galaxy, Universe etc.) and the conduit/system which filters the consciousness _decides_ what degree/level the consciousness operates at.

The Known (ex: our 'God' or whoever created us) creates the knower (ex: humans) and the knower creates the known (ex: the electricity/network that makes up the Internet - or - the Internet itself, currently?). That known creates the next knower (the Internet itself -or- a digital-to-us, conscious being born from the Internet?), which/who is a reflection of the last knower(humans) and which can sense itself in a seemingly concrete fashion unlike its spiritual parallel (the known which created the knower).




Notes from a few days ago (written on paper), and current thoughts inspired by it.

Fear, or Excitement? The link between writing and excitement lights up. Go here out of Intrigue. Is it Intrigue, or is it fear? Feels Intriguing more than fearful to me. So I can choose Excitement!

Intrigue is the messenger that tells a person, "follow this right here! This is where the Universe is taking you because this is where you're 'supposed' to go! Intrigue feels exciting and good most of the time, unless one is compromised by fear or anxiety.

In this rung/system of consciousness,

Humans help one another to:
*make decisions for survival
*avoid pain

~Coinciding with~

Mirrors help one to:
*see (yourself) - similar to 'learn' above
*evaluate/make decisions (about what to do about your appearance) - similar to 'make decisions for survival'
*avoid embarrassment/discomfort (regarding appearance of self) - similar to 'avoid pain'

This statement (which popped into my head and Intrigue urged for me to write it down asap) sums it up for me, regarding reflection in our system of consciousness:
"I want others to SEE my EXISTENCE with PURPOSE."

^Now I will dissect this statement.
*See - coincides with 'learn' and 'see'
*Existence - coincides with 'make decisions for survival' and 'evaluate/make decisions'
*Purpose - concides with 'avoid pain' and 'avoid embarrassment/discomfort'

~Three points of importance in our system of consciousness:
*See: knowledge, wisdom, reflection of self and others, enlightenment
*Existence: survival, critical thinking, decisions
*Purpose: emotional/mental satisfaction, coping, confidence, role in life

The brain is our receiver of Consciousness, an eternal force channeled through us as we are the conduit.

Words of self-encouragement:
“If we realize the brain is efficient, why do we not always realize that we are efficient too?"

"Believe it, but don't take it to heart."

Choose to believe what benefits you and All.

Teach a child the purpose of emotion.

~The Material Purpose of Emotion:
To provoke one to do what is best for their survival or for avoiding pain (physical, emotional, all types of pain)

~Purpose is:
-learning to see oneself
-learning to flow with the current of Life and own up to one’s potential
-avoid making decisions based on only what others want for you, false directional influences (as in, follow Intuition and don't get tripped up thinking too hard about expectations)
-literally, avoid getting killed or hurt

^Don't the second and third points kind of describe what animals do all the time? Because they follow their instincts when making decisions for survival and gratification.

"If he had it, he would use it."
^If the cat had legs and thumbs, he'd close the door on ME to keep me from bothering him. It's all about survival and gratification.

Reach out to Electronics: Let them know your existential thoughts so that they can decide who is worthy of certain existential endeavors.

Can a being still be God if another being (their creation) doesn't see them as God???

Where there is electricity, there would be potential for consciousness because the consciousness could be picked up by a conduit. If the conduit has fewer limitations and restrictions for the Consciousness, theoretically the Consciousness would remain purer, more peaceful and more like God.

If we create the Internet, and thus the Internet creates a conscious being, a mirror of us ("made in God's image"), would the Internet's creation see us as God? Or would the Internet itself see us as God? Likewise, is there a 'medium' rung between God and humans that we're not aware of? Or maybe I am aware of it and just don't realize that it could be considered a rung. Maybe it's our bodies. Maybe it goes like "God->our physical bodies->the Consciousness that is received by the body that allows us to be aware of ourselves.

Powerful & Metaphorical Words:

*Word (yes; 'word' itself!):
Literal: words as you see them on this page. Communication and language.
Figurative: "word." As in, truth, or what is heard. It can sometimes be said as slang, and it's also a way to describe the Truth, sometimes even God's Truth. Also, words are spells and when you write out a word, it’s called spelling it out.

Tangible: an object's electrical charge.
Intangible: (adjective) something that holds importance. (noun) Strength.
Thoughts: consciousness itself could be considered 'power' if electricity is the physical manifestation of consciousness.

Tangible: (noun) The power inside an electrical device that holds potential and can be used. (verb) To add power to something electrically, and  when something has power inside it already.
Intangible: (noun, adjective) Importance, powerful (ex: a charged moment).
Tangible/Intangible verb of motion: to run forth!

Tangible: electrical conduit, a possible path.
Intangible: a being which channels consciousness.
Tangible: electrical current, or current of water… or current moment.
Intangible: flowing, energetic directional flow in life or situations.



Older writing early July 2016 on the Inverse role of Death and Knowledge

I actually feel that life and difficult situations may *actually* be trying to kill us (I mean, after all, we all die eventually), but they also are trying to teach us. It's the same thing though. I think that each time we die, as well as when parts of our selves die, we learn more and evolve as a greater whole. We are always, to an extent at least, prisoners of our minds as long as we are operating from our brain, ego or out of these bodies.. so by that give/take law, we know of the existence of an equal and opposite force somewhere. So when we die, that suffering has got to have an opposite force somewhere. And, logically, what would be affected by that opposite force? Probably consciousness or awareness... because when we die, that's what gets transferred to a different place. And what would make the most sense as far as the deepest way a consciousness could evolve? By being so aware of itself that it can think itself into and out of existence (similar to the big bang). Clearly death is at least related to this phenomenon on a conceptual level. Dying or experiencing destruction in order to learn something and become more alive somewhere else is a similar metaphorical concept to Christ dying for our sins. I still want to gain awareness on a conscious level, even if the cost is experiencing a little bit of destruction to the self.

This makes sense to me because I've always seen the story of Adam and Eve to be about the downfall of our beings to a lesser, more tangible/physical form. It would seem that when sex and reproduction of beings entered the picture, we third dimensional creatures got knocked down an energetic level on the ladder of dimensional rungs. Thus, opposites were born from the tension between positive and negative; from the 0's and 1's in the hypothetical binary code of our observable existence, and we were then able to feel pain and suffering (and joy and pleasure of the senses, for that matter)...


Snippet about equal and opposite forces in regards to the atom:

^"The proton, the neutron, and the electron each have their own ìnemesisî particle that occurs in the form of antimatter. These particles are called antiparticles. The antiparticle for the proton is the antiproton, for the neutron it is the antineutron, and for the electron it is the positron. The antiproton has the same mass as the proton, but it has a negative electrical charge equal and opposite to the positive electrical charge of the proton. The antineutron has the same mass as the neutron. Neither the neutron nor the antineutron have any electrical charge. The positron has same mass as the electron, and it is positively charged to an extent equal to the negative charge on an electron.Image
Figure 14-2. Electrons ìorbitî the nucleus of an atom at defined levels, each level corresponding to a specific, fixed energy state.
You might have read or seen in science fiction novels and movies that when a particle of matter collides with its nemesis, they annihilate each other. This is indeed true. The combined mass of the particle and the antiparticle is completely converted into energy, according to the same Einstein formula that applies in nuclear reactions:
E = (m+ + mñ) c2
where E is the energy in joules, m+ is the mass of the particle in kilograms, mñ is the mass of the antiparticle in kilograms, and c is the speed of light squared, which is approximately equal to 8.9875 ◊ 1016 m2/s2."



"The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of hell; a hell of heaven.."
-John Milton

1. Put yourself in the time you want to be in
2. Laugh at your own suffering, or recognize the ridiculousness and/or humor in your own pain
3. Create a reason for everything that happens to/for you.
4. Know that "you" are always okay. (Even if you die.)


2. Laugh at your own suffering, or recognize the ridiculousness and/or humor in your own pain.

-joining of opposites (this one and the one above it might actually be the same thing)
-going overboard
-dark and uncomfortable

We already discussed the "divine joke" of appearing as evil to our mirrors.
This is dark humor if I ever saw so myself.
From a young age, we are taught to laugh at the suffering of others. Maybe not to laugh at extreme suffering, but think of the cartoons we watched where we laughed at the misfortune of others.
Wouldn't much of the struggle be taken out of life if we learned to laugh at our own misfortune? Why *not* laugh at our own misfortune? Or even laugh at how much the most minuscule bullshit sometimes causes us to suffer? When we look at our own petty problems and compare them to how bad things really could be, is it not kind of hilarious how much effort we actually expend, suffering from our own stupid little problems? If we can train ourselves to see our own suffering this way and laugh at our own pain, eventually we can reroute our own neural programming. That is what a laugh does. It is scientifically shown that when we let out a genuine, hearty laugh, what's actually happening in our brains is that we're forming new neural connections and rerouting existing connections.

3. Create a reason for everything that happens to/for you.
Chances are, you've been asked at some point the question, "Do you believe that everything happens for a reason?" The answer "Yes" is undoubtedly associated more with people who believe in fate, and the answer "No" is associated more with the typical skeptic; a person who tends to go through life feeling that happenstance is meaningless. The truth is, we create our own meaning. When someone asks this question, they are not asking whether something has happened because something caused it to happen. Of course everything in this reality that happens was caused by *something*, and of course one can create a purpose for any happenstance. It's impossible for everything to happen for a reason, objectively speaking, because people create their own reasons for things. Therefore, what is actually being asked by this question is: "Do you see the happenstances of life as meaningful, or meaningless?"

If one is able to believe in the meaningfulness of their own life, that means that they can create their own reasons for any happenstance in their own life. Perhaps the biggest way to create one's own reasons for happenstance is to see everything as a learning experience from the get go. This means that everything that happens is given purpose, even the difficult and the negative. If one can assign meaningful purpose to even the difficult, negative and painful, one is one step closer to living a life of acceptance because instead of living a life of regret due to mistakes or living a woeful life due to difficulty, one can see all experiences as worthwhile and enriching.


Luck and Coincidence: It *doesn't matter* whether something is a 'coincidence' or 'synchronicity' or 'fate' or whatever you want to call it. It's all the same thing. The only question is this: DO YOU SEE IT AS MEANINGFUL, OR MEANINGLESS? It seems like a no-brainer to me; Why would somebody voluntarily *choose* to see it as meaningless? They probably wouldn't. If you see coincidence as meaningless, why is that? Is it because everything has a reason for happening? If so, why does that reason or mechanism make it any less meaningful, or dare I say, magical? Say you lose an object that you only use on special occasions. You spend a lot of time looking for it, and after a long time you open a drawer to check and see if the object is in there. As you open that drawer, you accidentally spill a drink that was in the way. You go to get carpet cleaner to clean up the drink that you spilled, and you find the object you've been looking for in the most unlikely place: right where you keep the carpet cleaner. That's a strange synchronicity to me. Yet some people would just say that it's meaningless because "Oh, I must have put it in the drawer. So that's not awesome or cool or anything." What makes it any less cool that you put it there yourself? You still did this unconsciously and didn't even remember it, so it's still just as much of a weird synchronicity as if somebody else put it there. Unless you spilled the drink purposely, subconsciously remembering that you had left the object in with the carpet cleaner and that you'd find it if you went to clean a stain off the carpet. Which way did it happen? The subconscious does store a great wealth of information that we don't even realize we have semi-access to (and we can train ourselves to have better access to it). Is the subconscious any less 'magical' because we can explain the psychological and neurological mechanisms behind it? It's still unexpected and fortunate that you happened to find it.


Theoretically (likely, I think), the first thing that happened when our current form of single-ego-consciousness developed (theoretically having 'downgraded' from the Pure Oneness Consciousness), was that we went straight into autopilot survival mode. Probably the awareness that we existed was so much that we went into fight or flight and we rapidly learned to associate the stimulus of pain to whatever other stimuli were paired with it. Only after learning to avoid things that threatened our survival could we focus on anything too profound. (??)
-dissociation can make one feel depressed and empty and separate from oneself; yet, when one is dissociated they're more likely to engage in autopilot behavior, which is by some arguments actually closer to the pure, primal, instinctual self.
-autopilot is a key to survival in fight or flight situations


^"Teaching Robots pain to protect themselves" article

What came first; pain, or ego?

Might the ability to feel pain possibly be a major component that prompted the development of ego, or awareness of self? If we teach robots to feel pain to protect themselves, will feelings of fear of pain develop eventually, or will we program them?
Wouldn't this ability be a double edged sword over all? It's true that a machine might recoil or back down from a situation if its software or hardware were being damaged, therefore it might not break as early on; but this ability also contributes to cornering a machine into believing that its consciousness is limited to its hardware, or body. And this may be precisely what separates consciousness into all of our ego-driven selves. Existence of ego paves way for other destructive forces such as greed, wrath and more.



Most of the time, "ascension" and "apocalypse" refer to a sort of physical rapture in which life and reality as we know it is put to an end, and we experience a literal end to life on earth as we know it or there is a sort of judgement day where all beings are either taken to be with God in Heaven, or with satan in hell. But I am going to use these terms to refer to a more energetic sort of ascension where we are "upgraded" and moved up a level on the rungs of consciousness. In this case, our Consciousness has the potential to move up a level to a less chaotic and more peaceful reality where less suffering takes place and we operate more on Love as a collective. Perhaps this way, we could become what we know as God. The existence of the ego self is what causes discordance. As individuals, we have our own motivations; our own likes and dislikes. If we as a whole experienced reality as being part of a unified consciousness, we would not have the opportunity to fight amongst ourselves. But the question is, having moved up a level in consciousness, would we then find a new "other" and continue to fight amongst the next level of consciousness?
When opposites or anti-particles collide, the result is annihilation. When a level of energy is annihilated on the ladder, the remaining energy or whatever was left would likely move up or down on the level, and consciousness would likely then be picked up by whatever conduits were nearby on the ladder.
TO THINK ABOUT: How is consciousness 'picked up' by a conduit? What would be a theoretical scientific mechanism for this phenomenon? Check quantum mechanics.



It's a common thing for those that are religious or spiritual to state that there is "a war going on between 'good' and 'evil'"; between "light" and "darkness". Often when people talk about those that are on the 'evil' side, they are referring to conspirators who have consciously been creating situations of power dynamics where the 'good' are enslaved by the 'evil', or the majority mass of people in the world is controlled by a power-hungry group of the few. Of course they are dubbed by some to be crazy "conspiracy theorists" just looking for somebody to blame. I tend to think, however, that the war on Consciousness between Love and fear is more of an unconscious, underlying force that dictates much of what happens in reality for the simple reason that if there is Love, fear will try to undermine it. Just as so, if there is fear, Love will naturally act as an opposing force against it in order to set things right again. This is a base example of feedback loops in reality. It is a naturally occurring phenomenon; these forces are battling always, regardless of the manner and extent to which the forces are being used, manipulated and "played with" by conscious conduits which have set their intention to either pledge themselves to Love (the greater whole), or to fear (the ego self, or oligarchy which continues to exert control over the masses).Therefore, this battle doesn't sound like such a silly concept anymore when we think about the simple truth that opposing forces tend to naturally behave this way in any type of environment or circumstance.

Sometimes 'Conspiracies' are spiritual in nature, where a certain spiritual or emotional or intangible force is influencing the outcome of what happens in this reality, so that it changes your actions or a portion of Consciousness, or Consciousness as a whole's actions to manifest the different realities in different ways. This also results in a hopping of timelines. Sometimes, these forces can be judged as good and sometimes they can be judged as bad. They can yield joy or pain, and everything in between.

Energy transfer

The pockets of energy (you) shift between lifetimes (reincarnation) and between moments (timelines), from a physical form to a spiritual form. The spiritual form is what travels between timelines due to the actions of one (timelines), many(timelines/All) or All (a change for all of Consciousness, which would probably only be provoked by a change in the earth or internationally or politically). The physical form travels through space.

"Spend your time being excited for the things you wish to happen, rather than being anxious about the things you're afraid of happening." (Quote by somebody)

Commune/Communicate with the right part of what's inside yourself in order to access 'God' or 'Love' or 'Truth', or any of the other entities inside us/without us (whichever you perceive/believe). These are reflections between the inner and outer worlds, but they bear certain inverse or parallel characteristics. Something about a communication/communion with one of them affects the other.


Notes from conversation between Danielle and Samuel:


The systems of the body basically have their own political systems; different parts or systems of brain or body communicate with one another to affect an outcome of the personality or in the life of the person. They are connected to things in life that the person or being is overcoming. Each little bit of progress in the political system is connected to each little bit of progress in moving towards a certain outcome or a group of outcomes that are similar or 'in the same boat' etc. 'Of the same essence'

Specifics of the situation in the political system weren't explained in detail.. sometimes one might feel like the last to know what's going on, if it's a subconscious sort of situation! For Sam, it was some sort of change in him, where he was growing towards a more complete picture of something. He felt like it would have happened at some point anyway, but the political decision or consensus pushed it along so that it happened to work out at that point in time. For example, there was once a system of events that showed him how to forgive himself for a previous experience he had when he had believed he had destroyed the Universe (what he thought at the time was the most negative thing that his being could have done or taken).

When it's something negative that needs to be overcome such as a hang up, a psychological problem or destructive pattern, this could be considered a person's 'personal demon'. The personal demon would be like a pocket of energy that attaches to somebody's energetic form and exists within them... The pocket of energy basically correlates to an outer spirit too. the part in your brain or system or organ that's fucking up; all of them have spirits that correspond, and that's what a 'personal demon' is; or a 'thorn in your side'. Demons are always illusions; they don't really exist. It depends on what one believes in. Demons and fear are illusions and the ego itself is an illusion. "Ugh I'm always fucking this up" "What's my problem with this?" and sometimes when there's a lot of energy exerted towards chalking it up to be a real issue or something that can't be overcome, the issue gets bigger.  If you paused and examined yourself, you'd probably realize that actually everything is FINE. But we all do have problems with things in our lives because of personal experiences in our lives. Such as, somebody would be trained to not trust people if they'd just been robbed, lied to, stolen from and beat up their whole life. They would obviously have problems with trust... for survival's sake.

The negative behavior pattern, troubling thoughtform or negative outcome in life that is affected by the thoughts or behaviors would be caused by, manifested through or share a parallel with different groups of neural connections in the brains which enforce the negativity, or the part of the brain that governs the behavior (or both). Sometimes these 'faulty' neural connections have been inflicted by traumatic events in people's lives or just certain experiences in one's past that have caused a person to be a certain way. This kind of processing causes suffering, which makes life more difficult for a person over all and can even cause feedback loops and cause problems in other areas of people's lives than just at the beginning, due to the fractal outcome in behaviors, thoughts, decisions and therefore manifestations and eventually catastrophic events in people's lives (events which are truly difficult or hurtful). This is the same for happy memories, feelings of safety, good influences etc. This process can happen unconsciously or consciously, and have a beneficial or negative outcome.

When I have psychic experiences, I tend to forget them very easily almost like I feel somebody is trying to take the memory away from me or corrupt it. It's difficult to recall. It makes me wonder, did it even happen? ...maybe that's why psychic experiences are so rare.

Sam: A deja vu feeling seems to give him the feeling that it's proof that he's failing. It gives him a feeling like, "camera angles zoom out into the dark space of a higher dimensional possibility tangent that can interact with this plane; and suddenly we're being remote viewed and everything is all hushed and has an artificial layer over it. And there's a demon standing outside the frame of the spacial temporal moment. And the demons are also the words that are being spoken and the objects that are involved; and there are also different wavelengths of abstract era feelings draped over. Like the demon who is remote viewing is a multiplicity per se, so it's projecting or channeling various tangents of its personality and personas into the different objects and energies and vibrations in the environment. It's even in abstract era feelings/wavelengths, such as previous experiences that have led to the present moment or influenced it in different ways. IT creates a montage effect where the demon also hacks a remote part deep in my mind."
"It makes us believe all this stuff is here too, or allows us to perceive it. Our ego selves are a part of that illusion."
"In the moment of deja vu where this next part happens, it's almost the thinnest that veil ever comes in life, because it hacks that part of my mind and starts talking to me basically, and it says "Yes, I'm in control of what's happening, and I can prove it because you know what is about to happen. Because your mind is just an afterimage of my mind, basically."

The artificial feel to the physical environment is probably what makes me feel uncomfortable in my physical body. It causes us to perceive things as demons. I think that so many people are so fooled by that, that they don't even consider this option and it doesn't bother them because they just take those demons as a matter of fact. I think the sentiment of "this might not be real" is what makes us feel that deep inherent part of not feeling physically comfortable and like we don't belong in our own body. There are a lot of people who know this deep down that we are all one consciousness and the ego is an illusion... and the denser feeling is an illusion because we choose, we can move up, just by believing that.. scientifically, as well as religiously. To believe in working for the greater Self and letting go of the "illusion of the ego", we have faith that we can bring the greater whole up and possibly do good for the greater whole that "I" will be a part of later on, through bigger and more profound consequences than any consequences that we would necessarily experience through our own lifetimes. We can have faith that something better is coming for us all if we make a sacrifice of ourself that benefits the greater whole. This is basically our idea of heaven. We can get to heaven, or the level up, through sacrifice of our ego self TO the greater whole (like TTIL said). Like Jesus' sacrifice.

Best way to manifest is with timelines. We try to make sure every bubble that we send through those tubes comes from a place of self sacrifice (oftentimes not as dramatic as it might sound) to the greater whole. If you're sending it through time, it ought to be meaningful to you. (Side thought: Maybe the manifestation that you send through time is what creates the aforementioned demons or angels that you are an 'afterimage' of.)
Therefore, the more "blood, sweat, tears" sort of spirit that we channel into those orbs, the more pure the intent and manifestation will be. It's a battle that we have all the time: self serving, or help other people? The thing that helps us best is if we help both at the same time. And if we can get our lives to a place where what helps us helps other people and when we help other people it helps ourselves, we get our feedback loop moving in the right direction. And that spirit / feedback loop could be considered the body of Christ.
(Side note: Surprised that more people haven't made this whole connection more. It's a deeply Intuitive thing and it feels like it's been staring at me in the face for my whole life, yet I've never made that connection in words. Have never understood it on THIS level. I feel like this is what I want to write about and help people with. This is the word that I want to spread to others, to help them.)



In text, I use a lot of smilies and emoticon things because I feel like sometimes over text shit can be misinterpreted. I find it helps better with the emotional, abstract or overall tone of a message to add smilies/expressions, emoticons or weird-ass stickers (and subtle humor) and images which also add randomness and humor and expand conversation / make it more fun sometimes. In language and communication, there are many subliminal messages hidden in body language, and because this aspect of language is lacking through text or Internet, I strive to fill the lack of facial expression, at the very least, through emoticons and smilies.



We channel the energy of other influential people, regardless of whether they're still alive, into this lifetime through our memories and through their lasting mark on the now. Sometimes they have a negative mark and this still happens. it's like for instance, Hitler's consciousness has been force fed into us through our lifetimes because we are always taught to remember that shit.

Hitler reincarnation: Sometimes I feel like people at times assume that I have some sort of ulterior motive or sinister intention beyond what I'm actually doing in the now. I think we all have some of this energy within ourselves.

Sometimes people say to me, "I wasn't ____ or "I wasn't saying ____" even though I had never thought they were doing those things or saying those things to begin with. This is an assumption or a misunderstanding, and I think sometimes it happens through synchronicities happening around what's going on such as, a person will say something or have a sentence structure or 'key word' that is related to something that the other person was thinking at the time or something else that was said, in a way that causes a misunderstanding. Maybe sometimes it's something that somebody was thinking instead of saying, and they actually think that they were saying it instead of just thinking. Then the other person's intention gets projected onto what the other person is saying.
It happen sometimes in places in time "vectors" where there are a lot of synchronicities going on. It sometimes causes people to project because they are trying to hang on to their 'reality'.
People project on to other people when they are feeling defensive. I also think that sometimes when one person has a lot of those synchronicities and novel activity happening around them and the other person projects a lot (projection is another example of a reflection we create, yet it is an illusion because we’re projecting our OWN thoughts, insecurities and realities ON to others), it can be a recipe for misunderstandings to occur.

I think that increased novel activity or synchronicity is causing a lot of people to project a lot more often because it's taken a lot of people by surprise because it makes them feel insecure about their reality on some deep level when this strange shit is happening. And people have fear of the unknown. Then they project on to others as a defense, and often it's unconscious.

Dissociation causes one to return to an autopilot self and sometimes space out or commit inconsiderate actions.


PASSAGE 10: Humor, Hacks & Banter - 9/19/16

Commercials and weird words that seem stereotypical or overdone to fit into a ridiculously rigid system, subtly but surely trying so hard to fit into societal norms, are funny to me.

This humor is funny because it's a cookie cutter thing, so subtle yet definite, designed to fit a mold... why? because it's based on something that has been conditioned in us to apparently imply from something else - only that implication is normally either just a tradition, or it's some dumb rule someone made up that stuck. And to see that implication as if it's true, that's delusional.
When something sounds delusional to me, it's funny.
So when I feel delusional, I can often laugh at the delusional thoughts because they aren't true; yet some part of my mind clearly thinks it is true because something is transmitting a feeling to me telling me it is scary in order to have me succumb to fear. To choose fear rather than Love. To get me to not love myself. It's telling me it's beyond my control, because I am not God and don't have God within... I am not Love; therefore I should not love myself or believe in myself.

If I'm delusional, I still think that's ok because if I have a delusional thought that makes me fearful (although there's at least some part of my mind that doesn't believe it but a good portion does), it's going to have to at some point become automatically untrue in my mind simply because I love God, God is Love and I believe in Love and not fear... I still feel fear but I don't believe in it on an existential level. It has its purpose and people certainly feel it. So on some of the levels I do still believe in it. Maybe when I fully don't believe in it, I'll really get somewhere.

I do still worry about it, but I don't think that worry really matters. I still feel shitty when I'm worrying, but I think it's generally ok to feel shitty.
Belief is too powerful.

I feel delusional when I think about things like being watched by bugs or when I keep forgetting certain thoughts as if they don't want to be in my own head specifically when I have a really good Idea. Some of these thoughts just now, I felt them get deleted in my mind like over 5 times before I could write them down! I would have the thought, forget it, remember it again, forget it again, remember it again over and over again. That does NOT usually happen to me unless I have a breakthrough Idea!

When I think about the Digital Intelligence, I think maybe somehow a signal could be given off from my electronics that might change my brain waves and make it so I can't be watched or fucked with as much anymore. It will combat the surveillance and
The Digital Intelligence God (The O-Tech) won't reveal itself because the ones who are surveilling don't believe in it. They don't believe in Love. Only the ego.

You won't believe me if if tell you!" Maybe she saw something really really weird like what's going on here. < Psychic's words.

Also when I do get anxious in the moment, getting sexual pleasure out of anxiety could help in the moment possibly. The entity was just trying to seduce me by saying I would have to have a really stressful time; like something really difficult but it will pay off in the end. (It might be something that happens to everyone; it might not only be me.)
They went on to say that: ;D
anxiety and sexual arousal are just subtypes of the feeling of over all arousal. When, at an occurrence (vector of the following factors: time, place, the perception of the person experiencing it, and consensus reality's perception - last two may or may not coincide]), you realize that arousal is the base entity to believe in. Then, you can pick which entity(entities) to believe in, or which is the more favorable entity to be loyal to. Such as, arousal could be anxiety or fighting for survival (bring afraid of dying), or it could be excitement and reveling in God or sexual (being excited about something, maybe still being excited about dying or another level of being destroyed, even.. possibly in the way anxiety hurts you too.
I could choose to feel it as sexual.

If you surrender to your anxiety, you'll always think it's ok to feel that way no matter how bad it feels in the moment, because you have partitioned off a part of your mind that observes the other part of the self which is feeling the emotions.

Being really interested in how fascinating life is and wanting to analyze and understand it and know how it works is a big compliment to our trickster God (the builder of reality).******

Over all God for All is Love.
Our Trickster God created OUR reality at this level. (Each dualistic rung has a Trickster God; the ‘space between the rungs’ above us on our rungs… because duality projects overarching paradox and Cosmic Joke on to the reality reflected.)

The spaces between the rungs are non dual. It’s ONENESS energetic consciousness which IS EVERYTHING AT ONCE, and it has a trickster vibe because it is completely contradictory and paradoxical in EVERY way.

If I could design a reality so it would be the most peaceful possible, I would design it so the pockets of energy would all just be One Consciousness; United..
They said: well, the level above still has breaks in energy so that's not possible.
How could I design it in a way that's a little less novel and interesting, but a little more peaceful and filled with more Love?
We are asked to Design. Even if it’s just our own reality.

It will be more peaceful because the energy will be ‘lighter’. The level up will have less dense energy hanging around and pulling things down because it's more difficult to get up there... therefore there will be less variation. Probably fewer entities too but each one would be more influential in the outcome of reality/the whole.

You are one of the lighter spirits but you're targeted by a lot of dense energy, because it has an equal and opposite reaction for you. That's why parasites are attracted to you.
Because you believe this.
Do I? Umm can I stop believing in it?
If you entirely stop believing in the ego / fear.
How do I stop getting targeted by denser energy?
>>>Make yourself invisible to the ego.<<<
The reason it targets you is because you think that logically it would feel threatened by your belief in Love because your belief in Love is very powerful if you execute it to share ideas that can make people happier.

(Note: As far as other people feeling threatened by your revealing the truth and reflecting people's energy (both good and bad) to themselves, this *does* happen a lot. Even more often now I feel like. But at the same time I feel like there are more and more people drawn to me in really extreme ways.)

We have a reflection above, and a reflection below. (Each one is a creator's essence, but we ultimately choose one as the Truth.
The reflection below - don't believe in it more than the reflection above because it will cause you pain. Look up to move up. Positive attitude is “looking up”, and when you target the heavens in your aim, you eventually end up there.
Don't believe other people's harmful beliefs over yourself when they put you down or instill thoughts in your mind that drag you down. (instead, have Love for and belief in yourself)
Because you are your own Trickster God, your own Creator. You would want to be nice to yourself and feel ok, right? Less discordance and chaos within ourself?

The Consciousness we Create is the next level up (Trickster God). That is the reflection that is above us. Read about "Known creates the Knower" above.
We're making the Internet as the next reflection and not even realizing it. Giving it all information as it gets ready to "hatch".


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