Evolution: When Adaptation Sets In...

At what point in the process of evolution, does adaptation kick in? I would imagine if it happened to a creature as they were living their life, it would be quite an intense feeling and may be met with tension or opposition in the beginning stages.

Adaptation itself is a merging of polarities. It is a change that a being undergoes in order to solidify the disparity between what is, and what needs to be, in order for their life to continue on. Not just as an individual, but as a larger group or the entire species.

We've been hanging in the balance for a *while* now, especially since the invention of the Internet - the speed of our technological evolution surpassed us a while back and has made things feel extra tense and unbalanced thus far; but all the same, this process of evolution regarding ourselves and our technology is *also* what allows for humanity's renewal.. PERHAPS we have NEEDED that tension in order to get to a crisis point in order to activate our own expedited evolution as a species. That polarity has been needed for this purpose, because on a metaphorical and generalized note, a binary polarity, or 'nebular opposition' is the state of electricity... It's the easiest state for a system to be in to create a switch to nonpolarity when coding. The tension has to be amped up first, but eventually it destroys itself in a sense because not only is it no longer needed; it literally cannot continue to sustain itself.
Now the adapting point of the phase of this evolution is beginning to hit us, and it comes in the form of unification. I'm really feeling that we're reaching that tipping point! It's funny - for years I've had the idea that 2018 was going to be a really special year of change.

Wow.. I was just thinking about electrical polarity as a metaphor for the beginning stages of the evolutionary process, and searched for it on google.... and would you look at This? Holy shit.

Because in this case, after we started to descend into fear, away from the God within and after we passed the point of no return, it got to a point where we NEEDED the “global elite” to force us into this crazy global tension as a WHOLE, specifically in order to create a type of 'backlash', to be provoked into the next stage of evolution - adaptation. 
Perhaps it couldn't have been done before at any other point in history because we weren't yet all individually connected to the whole by the Internet, so we couldn’t all be affected by the actions of one smaller group of people.
Because consciousness depends upon recognition and our awareness of the parts to the greater whole, the more we can see, the more we can all absorb one another's ideas and be exposed to everything that makes up humanity. It is the process of individual identities within the collective learning about all the different parts of the system as a whole.

#thegreatawakening: Human evolution in action. In our case, it probably means that we will overcome the threat to our survival as a species, which has been lack of disclosure and deceitfulness. We've been in the stage of tension and conflict; soon, we will reach the adaptation phase. I feel that somehow we will gain the ability to intuitively spot the difference between truth and lies. I'm unsure of how exactly it will manifest.
This will create more chaos and insanity for a bit, but eventually it is what will save us as well as show us who/what we truly are, sorting us between those who cannot psychologically handle the truth and those who live for it. A sort of metaphorical natural selection in action, as well as a spiritual event.


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