Tipping Points, Breaking Feedback Loops, Overriding Programming

DISCLAIMER: The first part of this post may provoke or trigger some people. Mainly because of the wording. But here goes.

When our foods and environment are filled with chemicals which we didn't consent to consuming, it's almost like chemical molestation on our bodies -- and many of us aren't even aware of it.
Sexual harassment is something going into or invading our personal space that one didn't consent to. Chemicals in food and environment are basically doing this on another level, even if it isn't judged as sexual. These are still OUR bodies which we have to be inside and deal with all the consequences of the things which make their way inside.

The body's systems (for example, adrenal gland) become worn out because we have to metabolize so much more and get it out of the body.

Pain results from our emotional or physical interpretation, or awareness, of a perceived tipping point being reached and exceeded. This happens through transmission and/or transmutation of signals from the body to the brain, and sent back. The feedback can create a consistent experience of pain.

I have a feeling that the condition of autism contains, for individuals with it, a greater awareness of that general tipping point, where it is and exactly when it is exceeded..... which is why individuals on the spectrum are so much more sensitive to stimuli of all kinds. Autists, being aware of that tipping point, are also better at critical information evaluation and seeing all parts to a whole because they can see where the probability of a situation passes over that line, and where the kinetic motion of a chain of events starts to overcome the point where people have to expend more energy to make something happen.


On the topic of conspiracy, delusion and scientific proof:
Occam's razor is reliable. But what if first off, we may not have the correct information, and there are just so many coinciding events and synchronicities that the simplest explanation is no longer so simple?
We need to remember that there are some things that literally and physically *can't* be tested because there is no process which exists that also adheres to the scientific method as well as all the other ethical guidelines under the industry of science. As well, scientific trials take years when trying to find the long-term effects of medicines or chemicals on humans or environment. Effects tend to build up and reach tipping points.
So this information that we do not have the entire picture -- that's where the open-mindedness to possibility, along with deductive reasoning, come in. That way, one may not be able to come to a certain conclusion, but to the next best thing (statistical likelihood).

If you haven't noticed, I study tipping points and their opposite. The point where things either get out of hand, or when they start getting resolved. When a chain of events starts that eventually leads to an action of conclusion. Feedback really is everything, and control of psychological feedback is mastery (and eventual synchronization and transcendence within) of one's own mind.
This is exactly why all-or-nothing thought is potentially dangerous, and why congregations of individuals with similar hateful belief systems have the risk of becoming delusional or out of hand when put together. It's the feedback and snowballing between people.

Only way to study it as objectively as possible, ironically enough, is through metaphor or strategic communication. 
How to start gently undoing a negative feedback loop?
The only way to get someone to listen to an opposing viewpoint without triggering them is by expressing your viewpoint in a way that appeals to their rhetoric.
You must tap into the stereotypical rhetoric of their side, while expressing your own viewpoint.


Any stereotypes really are dumb when you think about it, if taken too seriously. They consist of people's judgments on "the average person" within any specific subculture or ‘type’ of person or culture… and while at least one stereotype about a person may be true in that context, it's very much a blind assumption to believe that anyone can just be confined to one specific over all stereotype, and it's very psychologically ‘amateur’ of a person when they judge an entire subculture just *because* of the feeling the known stereotypes about that subculture gives them.

Referencing article about the AI being racist:
The reason the AI is 'racist' (correlating the ideas of “black people” and “gorillas") is because our minds work in that fashion. We have an algorithm, and so does the computer, to take different visual or other sensory features, and we put them all together to equate them in figuring out how to recognize somebody or something. "Gorilla" Is just an animal and a word. The AI took in a bunch of information and then just related certain words and terms to one another. Most PC stuff has to do with this logic. Sometimes we just need to state the general truth about a type of person!! But those general truths ALWAYS have exceptions, and we must remember that. It is a shame that general statements about groups of people have been used so often as truth, which give way to blanket statements and assumptions - it’s a slippery slope and it can slip down into the realm of racism, or prejudice, or unfair assumptions against a group of people. Our minds work like that (taking lots of features and adding them up in our brain; comparing it to the bigger overarching objects), and then making the general conclusion or statement.

Stereotypes are part of a system that serves to add a layer of cheesiness or unoriginality to any sector of subculture, group, race, gender, etc. I think they fuel racism, sexism, and any kind of discrimination or generation of assumption about a person based on what groups they identify themselves with. They're harmful to say the least, even though they are sometimes placed with meaning. The dangerous part is that they lead to mass generalizations and assumptions. If people were encouraged more to spend time looking within themselves for their identities rather than finding groups to identify with and then shifting personal identity to fit, I think that stereotypes wouldn't be as common or influential.


It is possible to sustain inner happiness, but the same is not possible for externally-motivated happiness. For instance, if we learn to surrender to the Universe and live in acceptance of everything that happens in our life, we can reach inner happiness. However, I don't think it's possible to "always be having a pleasant experience".

On the dualistic level of reality, everything is relative. If you pass over to the nondualistic level, everything is whatever you choose it to be... seeing the value in everything is... valuable in itself. Externally-motivated happiness involves dualistic phenomena because it depends on our perception of the outer world and our material experiences; therefore, it's all relative and cannot be sustained. The tension between polaristic forces is assumedly needed in order for us to feel anything at all here in this realm. Whereas, happiness that comes from within the self is nondualistic because the only things it depends on are surrender and acceptance. Basically one's will alone chooses however they want to feel, in that portion of the self.
Direct your consciousness to THAT portion of the self.
Live above it!!! Live above the stress reaction!!!! Override your previously-programmed trigger mechanisms!!!!!


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