Transmutation Tactics - Choosing Love Thru Difficulty

I choose to either jump over the synapse / syntax to the next step in the process, OR I choose to break the feedback and change the process.
Just now I could jump over the synapse because I knew that I could be trusted with being able to forgive. Because I could still choose to make a decision for the whole rather than the self. 
Choosing that which I thought helped *generally*, over what would benefit *me*.
Because of my decision here, I was able to sail the binary and branch off on a new set of connections.

Transmutation and joining of opposites are two ways to reconcile a situation.
The first one is more organic (hands dirtier) and the second seems more digital (equalization).
The first, for example, could be done through humor.. the second through a mirror or 'magnifying glass' (a situation that seems constructed, as it seems, to shed light on a smaller detail)...


Guilt is useful for learning... for the moment. But guilt loops that continue on for years will only continue perpetuation of negative self image, thus negative feelings about the Self.

I can feel one’s pain without taking it on and burdening myself.

I shalln't be insensitive, however. 

This comes to:
I shalln't roll my eyes at anyone elses pain.
(Rolling them at *my* own pain is part of my personal transmutation, though.)


*Healthy responses to irritating or annoying situations:

Laughing is oppositic unification (Irony & satire in humor unifies) -and- neurogenesis - new neural connections created through the action of laughing.

Rolling eyes is transmutation. Shrugging it off, somehow.

Raising eyebrows promote a healthy skepticism. Having all Truths hit at once is overwhelming.

Smiling is negative capability -and- making oneself happier and more hopeful.
(In 2014 when I saw that psychic, she said "God is with you when you're smiling”. And the devil was with me when I was crying. I think she was referring to dwelling in negative feedback.
At this time, it was when I at least had mastered negative capability)

^All of these tactics have to do with the manipulation of energy; even electricity (neural), and of Consciousness by altering the communication within the self.
ALL of them are about coming full circle psychologically (Think of Ouroboros).

You can use them when it comes to your own pain and suffering. But do not use them at other people's pain, especially not to make them feel bad.  You can use them for the greater situation and use to process difficult emotions, the occurrence, and the poetic aspects of it, but not at their pain itself.

*Spiritual skills:

Finding the logic behind other things/actions/situations
Negative capability - remaining positive through difficulty
Feeling purpose in every occurrence
Unification of dualities
Finding humor through paradox in dark times

^All Lead to virtues of forgiveness, patience and acceptance. And eventually, Transcendence.

*Psychological "sins":
Self consciousness or self-loathing
Forgetting who we are
Inherent disrespect for different perspectives
Guilt loops that degrade the self

I have been overcoming the sins pride and envy, throughout life...
And it was even more difficult to overcome, “thou shall not lie”...
In my past, my mother taught me both how to lie, and how to critically evaluate information in order to find the Truth. I both shake my head at this, as well as thank her for the valuable lessons. No regrets.


Tickle is soft
TryptaMine TryptaYours
TryptaMean TryptaNice



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