The MemeBrain of the Semantapse
Pronouns, like any other words, only hold meaning as symbols and only make sense in context. However, the power of words to attach to thought forms is still of utmost utility. This event can yield either a dismal, or fortuitous outcome; can unfold through a deceptive, or truthful message. It’s difficult to separate pronouns from ones gender identity - even if the pronouns a person was brought up and called by *do* match up with their intuitive gender identity. I often feel that our society at this point ought to be past the idea of pronouns being decided upon based on sex alone; especially due to all the hype around pronouns right now. But then again, usually when a baby comes into this world, they grow up being called whatever pronoun the family considers as appropriate. I don’t think that the practice harmful in itself, but there are, without a doubt, a lot of implications behind the idea that self-perceived gender identity is heavily based upon linguistic syntax. So,...