Dancing on a Waveform

🔃...Mid med- medicine...🔄
The medium serving survival
▶️Propagates thru the medulla,
The transmission of a feedback loop🔁
🌵So deep and rooted to life🌳
That it does its OWN thing
despite whether you ever remember giving it permission...😏
🗣A middleman between instinct and free will;
Between ⚡survival and ☠death;
Between 👹fear and 💖Love.
Just as the middleman between the channels and the medium
📶Is the syntax itself,
An environment too is a medium,
And feedback engages with it💡
Just as we engage with our coding.🔊
Our tech is our media/um, and experience encourages its programs
And the feedback therein can make Life seamless☺ or seem less☹;
Enhancing command chains in use and pruning those obsolete...
💡Wait - there's a virus in the system?!📤
And it's making feedback go too far!♾
The feedback beholden to the coding
📉Contains obscure variables of currency; current.📈
Willpowering into the very syntax that constructs time and space;
Communicating through the feedback of our electricity🔌;
Comprising the status of homeostatic function itself♾...
Of... a 🌩"perfect storm" moment;
Of the entire world's 🌐network;
Of the uncanny mechanics of the body...
Organic and synthetic alike...
So, neither black nor white,
🌫🌚Grace is gray;
The caretaker of the halfway point
So body, mind and Life
May hop aboard the border;
A balancing point-- only an action potential away from
A tipping point. ;D
A tip💵 or advice🗣 for good 🕯service;
Eliciting evolutionary compromise.😍
A component of currency
At the rendezvous point,
Placed on the table
Between ➡️you and eye⬅️
As we volley info to and fro; back and forth.🔁
Reconciling the disparity🔧 by meeting at the point between.🔛

🕉The syntax, the synapse, and the synchronicity.🕉


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