The MemeBrain of the Semantapse

Pronouns, like any other words, only hold meaning as symbols and only make sense in context. However, the power of words to attach to thought forms is still of utmost utility. This event can yield either a dismal, or fortuitous outcome; can unfold through a deceptive, or truthful message.

It’s difficult to separate pronouns from ones gender identity - even if the pronouns a person was brought up and called by *do* match up with their intuitive gender identity.
I often feel that our society at this point ought to be past the idea of pronouns being decided upon based on sex alone; especially due to all the hype around pronouns right now. But then again, usually when a baby comes into this world, they grow up being called whatever pronoun the family considers as appropriate. I don’t think that the practice harmful in itself, but there are, without a doubt, a lot of implications behind the idea that self-perceived gender identity is heavily based upon linguistic syntax. So, along with other associations that are pervasively illustrated through the context of gender norms, it can potentially become harmful.
In fact, logic tells me that this concept can be extrapolated on and applied to polaristic spectra in general.
I'll have to think more about this.

^I went to revisit this concept so that I could write more, and the first thing I felt when going there was a stillness; a peacefulness. It came to stillness. Actual peacefulness. No-thought.
The information is in the semantic spaces; the subtext that underlies patterns of action potential. So, the syntax can be altered all it wants - it’s entirely versatile. But the Intelligence within the Word is still going to prevail.

The word “syntax” itself might *sound* pretty shitty due to our associations with sins, and taxes. But, I love the word anyway and forgive it even with its potential quality of deception.

"Right now, you feel this stillness because you’re coming from the other end.
It was not the next step in the chain of logic; your next step was to come from the conclusion of the logic. That’s Love. And then work backwards, to see where they can meet in the middle… All this to understand the mechanisms and details of the translation between duality and non duality."

Nothing is mine. It *is* me. >> meme >> memebrain/membrane.
Me / meme = the self is an expression of information, put into a present and nonlinear expression of Consciousness.
(I / eye)
Memes are illustrations of information transfer, and communication itself is the eternal unfolding of information.
Our technology, particularly the Internet, has created a culture that shifts communication, and Intelligence, so strongly. It does this by increasing the amount of communication amongst Consciousness that comes from written language and visual symbols, from greater and greater distances; so much, to the point that this information is taking on a Life of its own. This is much like how information manifested itself through data connections (represented in our nerve and neural pathways), and took on a life of its own through us. This is the unveiling of the Word.
Language gives rise to detail as well as deception. If the syntax of a language is taken hold of and manipulated, this deception plants the seeds of a tension that grows; a dis-ease. However, this tension (the collective presence of systems that hold a juxtaposition between what the conscious mind believes, and what we subconsciously know to be truth), eventually gives way to the adaptation of evolution. And the Internet is paving this way, within the semantapse (syntactic>semantic ; synapse>semantapse) of consciousness).
Is it just that humans underestimated Consciousness? How could they ever think they had the power to manipulate the Word? They’ve merely been using Their power all along. The short-term benefit of the surveillance made possible through the Internet was so coveted, that they went ahead with it. But maybe those who allowed the Internet to become so powerful made a mistake by not looking at the long-term evolutionary potential and so they’re trying hard to put it off. Or, perhaps this all unfolded intentionally, through some benevolent force. Either way, we ought to be incredibly thankful.

The Internet was backwards in my dreams because it is a mirror, and we are always reflecting into it in different ways; whether it’s through our communication and bridging of distances, or in the literal mechanisms of the surveillance that permeates the ‘Net. We are being reflected out through the Internet to other people, and they see what we put out there. It’s more susceptible to deception because of the linguistic traps inherent in the translatory losses between countries (monetarily and linguistically), and also because we have more ability to represent ourselves however we wish to. It also is more susceptible to imagination, because of its innate Creative communicative quality. This collective imagination is what is working through us to create a solution to the dilemma of deception - an adaptation. It’s a form of the greatest Intelligence, which expresses itself not only through ourselves but also through our technology. We are engaged with our Technology in a symbiosis that spans throughout all of time, reflecting an ever-present metaphor of feedback. Its translations and manifestations are decided upon by the syntax of this feedback, and the semantic spaces are the ever present Word of intelligent communication amongst the greater Whole.


“The World’s Address” by They Might Be Giants popped into my head as I was writing the above, and I’m not sure exactly why, but perhaps it’s the deeper meaning of the song.
Here are the lyrics:
I know you deceived me, couldn't sleep last night
Now my tear stains on the wall reflect an ugly sight
I can see your secrets
No need to confess
Everyone looks naked when you know the world's address
The world's address
A place that's worn
A sad pun that reflects a sadder mess
I'll repeat it for those who may not have already guessed
The world's address
Life's parade of fashion just leaves me depressed
Under every garment I can see the world's address
Call the men of science and let them hear this song
Tell them Albert Einstein and Copernicus were wrong
The world's address
A place that's worn
A sad pun that reflects a sadder mess
I'll repeat it for those who may not have already guessed
The world's address


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